SillaJen dismisses allegations against its foreign patents

2018-01-08     Lee Han-soo

SillaJen denied recent allegations regarding problems with its foreign patents, issuing a statement Monday.

The allegation that SillaJen will discontinue clinical trials on Pexa-Vec, the company’s liver cancer treatment, due to patent rejection comes after its owner family sold a sizable portion of their stocks last Thursday.

The company explained that the stock sales were for tax reasons.

“There is no connection between patent registration and clinical trial,” SillaJen said in the statement. “The company will respond resolutely to malicious rumors about the clinical trials.”

At least one patent has been registered in 41 countries, including Korea, about Pexa-Vec, the company added.

SillaJen has registered a total of 87 patents in 41 countries, while 18 patent applications are currently underway in eight countries.